Thursday, October 14, 2010

pushing defensive linemen

This past weekend our football team played the St. Louis Crusaders.  We ended up losing the game.  But in losing i learned a lot, not only about football, but also about physics.  What i learned about football was that sometimes even when you play your hardest you can still lose.  What i learned about physics was that f=ma.  I discovered this while i was blocking a big defesive lineman from St. Louis. My coach told me that i was moving my guy too slowly so i realized that if i want to move him faster then i will need to accelerate him more.  and since he is the same mass as before i will need to push him with more force.  this thinking can be represented by this equation F=mA, where the upper case bolded letters represent the values that must increase for me to move the lineman faster. 

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